Sunday, 30 June 2013

Travel Origins Narrative Magazine: Summer Issue 2013

30th June 2013

Bristol, UK

After coming across Eye&Pen - an American-run travel website - at the end of last year, I delved back into my travel blog and reworked a couple of my posts into stories which I submitted to the website's travel e-magazine, Travel Origins. Both stories were accepted, the first being a descriptive piece I wrote about a sunset in Vientiane ( see here Travel Origins: Sunset in Vientiane ) while the second was an extended narrative story about a day I spent in the Indian city of Jaipur. Both have since appeared on the website and I received an email the other day which brought the good news that my Jaipur tale had been selected as a featured story in the Summer issue of the quarterly e-magazine. There's some really good stories inside and the mag is available to download for free as a PDF by heading over to the Travel Origins website. Email registration is all that's required for those interested in having a browse.

Travel Origins - Eye & Pen

Monday, 4 February 2013

Travel Origins: Slumdog

4th February 2012

Jaipur, India

       After testing the waters back in December with a short descriptive piece for Travel Origins Magazine, I have delved back through this blog to refine and polish another one of my travel blog posts. The resulting story has been expanded from its original form to become more reader friendly, descriptive and engaging.  Or at least I hope it has! Happily the folks over at Eye&Pen liked the story so click on the red link below to read about my encounter with the Puppet Master of the Jaipur slums. If you like my Indian tale please leave a comment and share it around as the most read pieces will be going into the quarterly e-magazine! 


Monday, 7 January 2013

Travel Origins: A sunset over Vientiane

21st December 2012

Vientiane, Laos

While browsing through Twitter, I recently came across a website by the name of Eye and Pen which was accepting submissions for its online travel magazine entitled 'Travel Origins'. With a veritable treasure trove of travel stories on this blog, I thought I would send a short one over and see what happened. Selecting a descriptive piece penned back in January during a relaxing evening in the capital of Laos, Vientiane, I corrected a few grammatical errors and refined a few of the sentences before submitting it with fingers (and toes) crossed. About a week later, I happily got the green light meaning it was published on the website. The following link takes you to the finished article, I hope you enjoy and watch this space because more will surely follow!