20th - 23rd December 2012
Ayutthaya to Lopburi, Thailand
After taking in all that Kanchanaburi had to offer - which in the end turned out to be a great deal - checked out of the Jolly Frog hostel on the morning of the 20th, flagged down a motorbike taxi and headed for the local bus station in order to figure out the best way to get to my next destination which was to be Ayutthaya - the former ancient capital of Thailand. I had heard about the place the night before after chatting with some other travelers who said that it was a pleasant pit stop on the way up north and with some time to kill before New Years I thought I would give it a shot. A spur of the moment decision like that is one of the great things about traveling by yourself as no big debate needs to go into making a decision, you hear of an idea and you go do it, no fuss, no bother, you just get on with it. Although there are obviously many advantages to traveling with friends, I tend to feel quite smug when I overhear groups of travelers at hostels quarreling themselves into deadlocks about what to do next and how to go about doing it. After using my very limited Thai and broken English at the station it appeared that the journey to Ayutthaya required retracing my steps back to Bangkok in order to catch a connecting minibus onto my final destination. The minibus in question had about eight seats to my eyes, yet unfortunately for me and my long legs, the short sighted driver seemed to think it could hold at least double that and as a result the mercifully short hour ride there had me squashed rather uncomfortably against one of the back windows, to the great amusement of trailing cars. That day, time had run away with me and unfortunately it was early evening by the time I arrived in Ayutthaya, which is never a great position to be in as it always seems far trickier to find a place to stay under cover of darkness. Having tried a few guesthouses already, I had been declined by many due to extortionate prices for a double room (one of the pitfalls of independent travel, as single rooms can be hard to come by) or full bookings. In one last ditch effort, I hauled my increasingly heavy rucksack onto my weary back and trudged towards Tony's Place - a recommendation from the ever present traveling bible - and walked into a very fortuitous conversation. A Spaniard I had met back in Kanchanaburi by the name of Ramone and a friend of his (Jorge) were facing the problem of being two people whilst only a three man room was available. And at that moment I showed up and became the obvious solution to their dilemma. Having been shown to our room, I noticed that a rather ugly reminder of the recent flooding had seared itself onto the wall outside our room in the form of a frighteningly high water mark. This watermark was a good two feet clear of my head and it was hard to imagine that only a month prior, this whole area had been fully submerged. The work which has been done there to get business back up and running is amazingly impressive as aside from this watermark, there were very few indications of the turmoil which had corrupted the city. The next day after hiring some bicycles we came across similar faded water marks around the town on buildings, trees and lamp posts which gave extended scope to the extent of the damaging floods. As I was eager to head for Chiang Mai for New Years Eve it was an enjoyable if rushed couple of days with the Spanish, first through Ayutthaya and then the monkey town of Lopburi, and the following photographs serve to document some of the things I came across during those few days.
One of the many ancient ruins at Ayutthaya. The city is located in the Valley of the Chao Phraya River and was founded in 1350 by King U Thong who proclaimed it the capital of his kingdom. Over the years it grew considerably in size and by around 1700 it had an esitmated 1,000,000 souls living within its boundaries, making it larger than London at the time! Things took a severe downturn in 1767 however when the Burmese invaded and the collapse of the Ayutthaya kingdom followed. |
As you can see Ayutthaya and Lopburi rest north of Bangkok. |
The following day we hired some bicycles and went for a ride around the small city which is set within a central island surrounded by the Chao Phraya, Lopburi and Pasak rivers. |
Ramone, Jorge and Me. And another cheeky Buddha. |
At the Wat Phra Mahathat came across the curious sight of a Buddha head resting in the gnarled roots of a banyan tree which over the years had provided the statues head with a natural frame. |
Wat! Another temple! Wat Ratchaburana. |
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